STUC Scottish Trades Union Congress 8 Landressy St,

United Kingdom

Everyone has a longing to “be” someone in their own right—self-aware, confident and in control. Spiritual power refers to the original power of the self, to be whole and independent—free from the web of comparison and competition. Let’s explore insights that enable you to be your truest, most loving and powerful self. A vision of equality for all, is about restoring dignity and self-respect, and creating an atmosphere where every person feels safe.

Join us to explore what it means to build self-respect and maintain a vision of equality.

“The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise.” ― Maya Angelou

Speaker: Sister Jayanti is a spiritual teacher with over 50 years of experience; addressing individuals, politicians, business leaders, scientists and many more on topics ranging from the environment, women ́s empowerment, global peace and well-being. She is the Additional Administrative Head of The Brahma Kumaris and the organisation's representative to the UN in Geneva since 1982. sisterjayanti.org.

organised by: Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, registered charity in Scotland No.SC040512

Visit our website for details of FREE meditation and self-development events.  0141 375 0534  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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