Business and Intellectual Property Centre Oxfordshire County Library 2nd Floor, Queen Street, Westgate, United Kingdom
Are you standing in your own way? Many of us unknowingly sabotage our own efforts, creating obstacles that prevent us from reaching our full potential.
In this talk, you will:
learn how to identify the hidden patterns of self-sabotage that hold you back from achieving your goals.
Learn practical tools to transform self doubt into confidence, helping you to move forward in your personal and professional lives.


John McConnel is a stress management trainer, former prison governor and social worker. He has been studying and teaching raja yoga meditation with the Brahma Kumaris for over 30 years. He has a strong interest in the practical application of spiritual principles and insights in daily life. He is the author of 'Breaking Through The Darkness: how to defeat depression, anxiety and stress - a spiritual perspective'.


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