InnerSpace Meditation Glasgow Red Tree Bridgeton,
33 Dalmarnock Rd, G40 4LA
Door buzzer: 0434
Suite 1.21
G40 4LA
0141 375 0534
United Kingdom

If you are kind to your mind it will become your friend. You will also strengthening the mind. By focusing on beautiful thoughts and feelings you develop calm concentration. Using meditation regularly strengthen this. What to do when the mind still wanders? We can observe our own negative thoughts. Then we gently focus our mind on positive empowering thoughts. With practice we can concentrate on the positive and our mind wanders less. The soul is a tiny, subtle point of living energy. The soul is you.

Just RELAX !  A short talk to explain how a more peaceful thought process creates many benefits in practical everyday life. Followed by a guided meditation session. There will be soft music & spoken word meditations to gently guide your thoughts to create an experience of peace. BEGINNERS WELCOME. Being peaceful is the first step in meditation and this leads to experiences such as love, empowerment & bliss. Raja Yoga meditation redefines the self as a soul and enables a direct connection and relationship with the Supreme Source of purest energy and highest consciousness, God.

Speaker: Rose Goodenough who co-ordinates the centre has been practising & teaching meditation since the early 1980s. Sister Rose has a wealth of wisdom. Her talks have been described as practical, powerful and uplifting.

Seating = chairs


How to find us:

Getting to us by bus

Take the 18, 43, 46, 64, 65, 164, 263 or 2 to London Road/Bridgeton Cross

Getting to us by train

The closest railway station is Bridgeton station – take the low-level train from Glasgow Central.

Free car parking is available in the surrounding side streets .

Visitors frequently ask us how we fund the work of the BKWSU and Inner Space.

All volunteers are unpaid. They give their time & skills freely. You can donate the InnerSpace website. https://glasgow.innerspace.org/donations

Inner Space is a meditation and personal development space managed by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK)


Door buzzer : 0454 . InnerSpace is on 1st floor. Toilet next to lift on ground floor.


Who We Are …The Brahma Kumaris is a worldwide organisation dedicated to personal transformation and world renewal through the power of meditation.

It has an ongoing interest in developing programs that empower the individual.

Originally founded in India in 1937, there are one million students world-wide across 110 countries.

Those who know the Brahma Kumaris may know them for wearing white,

for the fact that they are led by women,

for their practice of open-eyed meditation, for their emphasis on self-transformation or for their greeting of “Om Shanti.”

They do not chant, they have a minimal number of rituals and they have a practice of Raja Yoga Meditation that involves self-transformation through elevated thoughts and connection with The Divine in silence…

What most don’t know about the Brahma Kumaris is the base of knowledge that constitutes their foundation.

Raja Yoga, is a path of lifelong learning, study and application in daily life.

Because they understand this knowledge to be so vital for the world at this time, the Brahma Kumaris have undertaken to share it more broadly…

We hope you enjoy…

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