Zoom Meeting, Upton Park, Upton Park, London
Emotional stability is perhaps one of the most elevated human achievements. It is even more valuable than wealth, power, social reputation and education. When you are emotionally stable you will also be able to face anything, support others and help society in many ways.
In this lecture we are going to explore our method to achieve emotional stability which relies on a clear picture of yourself, the understanding of the quality of thoughts and the development of the power of focus.
Speaker: Gil Fernandes
Gil was born in Lisbon in 1969. After studying music in Austria post-A-Levels, Gil transitioned to a successful IT career, contributing his skills to diverse industries, including airspace and telecom. 2007 London beckoned, drawing him into a consulting software development venture founded by Shashin Shah, a fellow meditator. Gil's journey into meditation began in 1993, complementing his lifelong fascination with Raja Yoga.
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