Radyr & Morganstown Community Council, Weir Room
Old Church Rooms
Park Road
Cardiff CF15 8DF

An opportunity to explore the divine principle and how it applies to feminine power in the world


How can we inspire togetherness, integration and a sense of well-being?  Exploring self-empowerment through self-awareness and acceptance while nurturing a sense of belonging, authenticity and community.   


A safe space for discussion, reflection and meditation.


The group will be facilitated by Masana De Souza has an extensive background in

coaching & counselling.  She has been studying & teaching Raja Yoga Meditation for 20 years. 

She is also a Facilitator for Values in Healthcare A Spiritual Approach.  Masana blends a warm and engaging manner with astute insights and deep compassion.


Please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

to register

